Our Designer’s Choice bouquet features 15 fresh, hand-selected stems arranged in a beautiful, natural paper wrap. Each bouquet is uniquely crafted with the season's finest blooms, thoughtfully chosen to create a stunning combination of color, texture, and fragrance. Perfect for any occasion, this elegant, minimalist presentation showcases the beauty of flowers in their purest form.
Designer's Choice-Paper Wrapped Bouquet
- Order Processing Time: Floral orders will be fulfilled within two business days. ie: If an order is placed on a Monday, florals will be ready for pickup on Wednesday. Orders placed on a Saturday or Sunday will be processed on the next available business day.
- No Refunds: Due to the perishable nature of floral arrangements, we do not offer refunds on floral orders.
- Substitutions: In the event that a specific flower or color is unavailable, we will make every effort to substitute with a matching flower of equal quality and value. Please note, the arrangement may not look identical to the photo.
- Care Instructions: To ensure the longevity of your arrangement, please change the water every few days and use the flower food provided to help prolong the vase life of your flowers.
Thank you for choosing us for your floral needs!